About the Journal

The journal BioResources is a service of the Department of Forest Biomaterials at North Carolina State University, Campus Box 8005, Raleigh, NC, 27695.  The journal is 100% open-access, with financial support coming only from authors.  Authors maintain copy rights to their published content.

BioResources publishes research articles, review articles, and editorials on topics related to cellulosic substances and their uses in such fields as composites, paper, engineered wood, bioenergy, etc. 

Authors are to use the provided template by copying & pasting their manuscript directly into the template file. Paste content item by item, taking care not to over-write template format settings, including margin settings. BioResources staff will edit submitted manuscripts for English clarity prior to the peer-review process.

Peer-reviewing involves a single-blind system in which the peer-review experts will know the identity of the authors, but the authors will not know the identity of the peer-review experts.  Peer-reviewers are asked to complete their assignments within two weeks.