Artists, Papermakers, and the Future


  • Martin A. Hubbe Department of Forest Biomaterials, North Carolina State University, Campus Box 8005, Raleigh, NC 27695-8005


Art paper, Watercolor media, Handmade paper, Modern papermaking, Hydrophobic sizing, Sustainability


This editorial considers three groups of individuals and how they often find themselves following common ways of thinking. Artists, especially those who become well known, are hard workers and somewhat stubborn. Once they have found a type of paper that works well for them, they tend to develop loyalty to it, regardless of what the label on the ream wrap may say. Papermakers, ancient and modern, likewise have tended to stick with practices that are convenient to them at the moment, whether or not they contribute to archival quality. Fortunately, the transition to alkaline papermaking practices means that modern printing papers tend to last a lot longer. Increasing knowledge of the importance of acid-free paper, as well as the principles of sustainability, are making positive contributions to our ongoing cultural heritage, at least to the part of that heritage that is related to cellulosic materials.






Editorial Piece